
Cross-selling based on Effective customer purchase behavior analysis

  • Lytty Ventures Pvt Ltd.
  • Jul 19,2024
  • 0comments

Mastering Purchase Frequency Analysis A Retailers Guide to Boosting Customer engagement and loyalty

  • Lytty Ventures Pvt Ltd.
  • Jun 04,2024
  • 0comments

Successful brands plan and execute these Effective Customer Engagement Strategies !

  • Lytty
  • Mar 16,2024
  • 0comments

IN Store -QR Code based Personalised offer for the Day- Increase conversion rate of Walk in to paid customers

  • Lytty
  • Dec 26,2023
  • 0comments

Flash Sales and Limited time offer with IN Store -QR Code

  • Lytty
  • Dec 26,2023
  • 0comments

Effective Retailing with Advanced Customer Engagement

  • Lytty
  • Nov 27,2023
  • 0comments

Unleashing the Data-Driven Revolution: Retail Analytics with LYTTY

  • Lytty
  • Nov 27,2023
  • 0comments

How to setup SMS account in India DLT registration

  • Lytty
  • Dec 26,2023
  • 0comments

Improve your business by 10% - 30% with effective upsell cross-sell Campaigns

  • Lytty
  • Jul 07,2023
  • 0comments

Improve visibility of Customer activity with Realtime Customer 360 degree view!

  • Lytty
  • Jun 29,2023
  • 0comments

Improving Customer retention rate by 25% with LYTTY Customer engagement and Analytics for Retail businesses.

  • Lytty
  • Jun 29,2023
  • 0comments

6 useful tips to increase order conversion rate in Ecommerce site

  • Lytty
  • Jun 29,2023
  • 0comments

Pampering Customers is the best way to make them happy ?

  • Retailbean
  • Jun 29,2023
  • 0comments

Pampering Customers is the best way to make them happy ?

10 critical points, every Ecommerce business owner should know

  • Lytty
  • Jun 29,2023
  • 0comments

Nowadays, a new business is popping around every corner, whether it be online or around every street corner. But when it comes to an e-commerce business, the competition is higher as the e-commerce platform is effective, and you can start one with just a few taps on any platform. Every single one of us wants to get more traffic and conversion. Even at times, with the best marketing tactic and sound strategy, it could be demanding and challenging.

The impact of loyalty in improving Customer life time value (LTV)

  • Winds
  • Jun 29,2023
  • 0comments

Customer lifetime value (LTV) is a metric that represents the projected revenue a customer contributes to your business over the entire lifetime at your company